covid-19 Policies
We are excited to report that we have started our Fall season and are thrilled to be back capturing amazing moments in your students’ lives. Like you, we continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation as it continues to develop.
We would like to present you with some information to better prepare you for what to expect from Irvin Simon Photographers in Fall 2020:
New Safety Procedures
Daily health checks for all ISP staff.
Face coverings for staff required at all times.
Regular cleaning and sanitizing of all equipment.
Adhering to all CDC, state, local, and school guidelines.
New Picture Day Experience
A streamlined picture day set up to limit contact and maintain proper social distancing, all while capturing the beautiful portraits you’ve come to expect.
A completely paperless process – no more order forms passed from person to person.
Composite class photos to replace the traditional group photo for this school year.
Easy Online Ordering
Parents view portraits and place orders online
No more order forms for teachers and schools to collect and track.
All orders shipped directly home.
We understand the need for flexibility as we approach the 2020-21 school year and are prepared to accommodate the unique needs of your school. Do you need an extra day? Need help finding a new location for pictures? Want us to hold picture day outdoors this year? Just ask! We will work with you to make sure that picture day is as smooth as ever, all while ensuring the health and well being of your students and staff.